Employee Savings Plans

Lower Costs


We offer one of the lowest cost, most transparent 401(k) options in the industry for 401(k) plans with plan balances up to $3,000,000.  In addition, the plan custodian is usually one of the most trusted names in the financial services industry, Fidelity Investments.


In your current employer savings plan, do you know how much in hidden fees do you pay?  Do you know if you have expensive Class C shares or an expensive group annuity?  Are your fees in line with similar plans like yours?


Better Investment Choices


Being a Registered Investment Advisor and not beholden to any investment company, we can choose from over 6,000 mutual funds from more than 430 fund families, including low cost index funds.  This is far superior than being limited to a few, often poorly performing funds from a short list with a captive agent.



Happier Employees


We meet each employee and help them make good decisions about their savings and investment choices.  A Registered Investment Advisor is the appropriate credential for complete advice.  We are available by phone and email to answer employee questions.  We strive to create a “culture of success” for the employer savings plan.  Annual on site meeting follow up to help employees with any questions in a constantly changing world.  Employees who are meeting or exceeding their goals value the process and results very highly.


Please take the time to consider how we can help you get the most value out of one of your most important, long term, financial goals.  We look forward to a Free 401(k) Plan Review with you to explore how much better your employer savings plan could be.